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In Daniel 2 & 7 the Bible prophesied a time period of world wide oppression and despotism over all true believers measured by four empires. The first one was Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon named in Daniel 2. The 2nd and 3rd empires, Medo\Persia and Greece named in Daniel 8. Then the Roman, described as conquering the remainder of the Greek Empire in Daniel 11:40-44 and named all over the New Testament. These empires spanned a time period starting from when Babylon first conquered Judea in 597 BC until the Roman Empire fell when what had been its capitol since 333 AD, Constantinople, fell to the Turks in 1453 AD. See More.....


From the time of Moses on there are four eras or ages the Bible talks about. It is not rocket science but the way the times and seasons of the Bible's prophecy are hidden from the view of modern Christianity, maybe that says otherwise. In fact, the prophecies about these eras or ages have dates attached to them as to when they would end and a new era begins.  Like for instance, the infamous number 666. That is actually a time period in years marking the beginning and end of an age. It is also part of time period measured by ten Roman emperors and a much more frequently prophesied time of 1260 years. We live in an age supernaturally prophesied in the Bible by what must be one hundred chapters of its prophecy. You'll be able to see this pretty easily in the scriptures this article points out.  See more...


The Bible's teaching on resurrection as taught by Jesus and his apostles. Matthew 22: 29 Jesus answered and said to them, You err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. 33 And when the multitude heard this, THEY WERE ASTONISHED AT HIS DOCTRINE. See more....


The Bible has dozens of examples where the Lord physically and literally came down to earth on certain days to administer judgment, oversee calamity and fulfill promise and prophecy.  These days of the Lord where he physically and literally comes down to the planet is where the Bible's doctrine of the coming of the Lord comes hails from. What does not exist in the Bible is the phrase "the second coming."  Unlike the phrase "the Trinity" that is also not in the Bible but that at least goes along with what the Bibles teaches. The idea of a "second" coming or advent changes the Bibles teaching on the matter and renders the Bible's prophecy incomprehensible. Which by the way is design of the phrase. To turn peoples eyes away from the supernatural clarity of the Bible's prophecy and turn those eyes to something the Bible does not prophesy at all. Apocalyptic end of the world scenarios. See more...


John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Why am I saying John 3:17 is not Christian doctrine? Very simply because 90% of the USA's pulpits contradict it in their teachings. What teachings are those one might ask? You will figure it out with a quick examination of the passage. The Greek word for world in this verse is kosmos. The very same word that most pulpits in America teach God will judge and destroy in the future. That brings us to the Greek word for condemn. It basically means to pass a judicial sentence and carry that sentence out. The word saved is in the general sense because the kosmos cannot be given eternal life. It means healed, preserved, delivered out of a place danger into a place of safety.  So the passage literally says God sent Jesus to heal the world rather than condemning it to destruction some day.  See More....


This is one of best examples of the nature of God's supernatural book, the Bible. Moses as well as other prophets wrote- That what we call the first covenant given by Moses to Israel, was predestined to be replaced by God in favor of a second covenant that was to come. That the first covenant was but an instrument towards his designs of a predestined second covenant through which he would save billions and transform the world. See more...


© Daniel Martinovich 2023-2024