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This is one of best examples of the nature of God's supernatural book, the Bible. Moses as well as other prophets wrote- That what we call the first covenant given by Moses to Israel, was predestined to be replaced by God in favor of a second covenant that was to come. That the first covenant was but an instrument towards his designs of a predestined second covenant through which he would save billions and transform the world.

 Now like I said many of the prophets spoke of this but no one did it quite like Moses in the first five books of the Bible. This is why God rejected so many of the first born in Genesis but elected and predestined the second born.

  • Cain the first born of Adam was rejected in favor of the second born Abel.

  • Ishmael, Abraham's first born was rejected in favor of his second born Isaac.

  • Esau the first born rejected in favor of the second born Jacob.

  • Jacob, later named Israel blessed Joseph's second born over the first born.

  • Moses struck the rock the first time in the wilderness and nothing happened, but the second time he struck it water, “the living water” came out.

 None of this was written by accident. It is all prophecy about God predestining the world to be saved via the second covenant with the first as a means to arrive at the second. There is much more of this in the Bible like Israel's first king Saul being rejected in favor of Israel's second king David. Even the book of Job is a prophecy of the first and second covenant. Everything Job had from God at first was destroyed by Satan. But what he received the second time around was much much more and endured. However, the the coup d'état of this prophecy is at the end of the five books of the Torah. God does not allow Moses to lead the people into the promised land because a man named Yahshua, Joshua in English, Jesus from Hebrew to Greek to English, was predestined to do that. A man named Jesus led the children of Israel into the promised land as a prophecy of Jesus leading the meek to inherit the entire earth!

Now ask yourselves how could Moses and the rest of the OT writers know such things about a first and second covenant and preach and prophesy this would happen thousands of years in advance? Especially through the historical story line of the lives of the patriarchs and the lawgiver Moses himself? It certainly was not written after the fact as the books of Moses and the prophets were known throughout the empires of those days many centuries before the Messiah came. Besides, do you think the Jewish political class who murdered Jesus because they thought he would take their ruler-ship over the Jewish people from them would go ahead and alter the scriptures in such a way as to prove the claims made about Jesus? In their rabbinical writings in the centuries following the first century they sure don’t. They couldn’t anyway. The entire Greek Empire had access to the Hebrew Bible written in Greek hundreds of years before Jesus came. That is just historical fact.

I would like you to use reason and logic about what I just pointed out. This is not just a matter of so called faith. What possible reason could Moses or any other writers of the OT have had to conjure up such a story line? What gain would it have been to them? What a total contrivance of nothing because there was no chance the world could or would develop along such lines. Especially in light or the fact that no one understood what it all meant. The apostle Paul called this in Ephesians 3:4.... the mystery of Christ 5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; But he found this out after the fact because it became evident due to it transpiring in his ministry. His revelation of it came through the scripture as he was living out what was prophesied. God had to trick Peter into going to a household of gentiles to preach. Even after that Peter called Paul's writings on the subject scripture, because it was really no clarity on the matter up till that point, until after it began to come to pass.  One might ascertain that surely some of the saved in ancient Israel knew that the messiah was going to bring the light, salvation and transformation to the nations because there is so much prophecy about it. Some of the prophets even spoke directly of a new covenant for Israel and the abrogation of the current one. But the means through which that would be accomplished was just to much to grasp for them. Especially since what was written was four-twelve centuries old before Jesus had arrived on the scene and there was no more scripture written throughout that four hundred year period.  Moses even stated it in Duet 18:17 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. 18.....He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. Or as the writer of the NT book of Hebrew claims concerning the Old Covenant: 2nd Co. 3:13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away.

It is very easy today to nonchalantly look at our world without any regard to how impossible what we are living out could have been prophesied by Moses and the rest of the OT prophets. There is no getting away with the lies some folks make about Jesus, that NT writers made it all up after the fact and created a Jesus to fit OT prophecies. Those fallacious claims are as far from logic and reason as you can get with this body of prophecy with just a casual look at history. The prophecies were spoken in a world ruled in perpetuity by despotic kings, emperors and warlords.  A world where the government imposed idol worship with the death penalty for non participation.  A world where 1\3 to 1\2 of all people were the property of others. In most of it human sacrifice was practised and the rulers were looked upon as demi gods, most of whom just happened to be LGBTP. Property rights were non existent once kingdoms were established since the king could just take anyone's property and give it to their supporters. It was even a law in the Roman Empire where the new emperor could execute the families of anyone he wanted and deliver their property to his supporters. In that world Jehovah was just a small tribal God that was of such little regard that he did not even make the Greek or Roman pantheon of gods. Yet in those circumstances with the entire world and all its power arrayed against it every coming to pass as exampled by Israel already suffering multiple holocosts by the time Jesus came on the scene. Prophecies like this within the context of the replacement of the Old covenant by the  New Covenant were spoken.

Psalm 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. 28 For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations.

 Isaiah 2:17......and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. 18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish.

Isaiah 54:5 ......The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

Here we are today. Prophecies out of God's supernatural book impossible to contrive and fulfill, being fulfilled. There are now believers who worship the God of the Bible among all ethnic groups on earth and this phenomena in numbers has been growing by leaps and bounds every single year. Half the world once deadly serious about worshiping their hundreds of idols have forsaken them. They are now just historical artifacts. Although half the world at this point are not heaven bound servants of God and believers. Half the world does call the God of the Bible, the God of the whole earth. The other half is soon to follow though the preaching of the Gospel. Can you see, especially you people who claim Christ that in this alone the only thing that can account for it is supernatural authorship? Only God could inspire Moses to write what he did and only God could bring it to pass in a world that was completely hostile to its fulfillment, but had no idea what it was that was going to be fulfilled in the first place. They just wanted to kill the messengers because they figured them a threat to their rule. You know what? They were right.


© Daniel Martinovich 2023-2024